Driving Excellence: 5 Core Values Driving INFAWORK’s Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

In a world inundated with complexities, where technology often seems to evolve faster than our ability to comprehend it, the essence of simplicity stands out as a beacon of clarity. This is precisely where INFAWORK, an all-in-one, easy-to-use, automated and affordable ERP for small to medium sized businesses, finds its guiding principle. Rooted in a set of five core values that embody simplicity, affordability, customer focus, continuous improvement, and partnership, INFAWORK not only navigates the dynamic tech landscape but also sets new standards of innovation and customer satisfaction. Core Value 1 – Simplicity: Where Ease Meets Understanding At the heart of INFAWORK’s ethos lies the commitment to simplicity. In an era marked by information overload and convoluted interfaces, simplicity is not just a choice but a necessity. INFAWORK ensures that its application is intuitively designed, making it easy for our users to understand no matter their proficiency levels. Whether it’s streamlining complex workflows, adding or presenting information in a clear and concise manner, simplicity permeates every aspect of INFAWORK. Core Value 2 – Affordability: Value Beyond Price Tags While cutting-edge technology often comes with a hefty price tag, INFAWORK firmly believes that affordability shouldn’t equate to compromise. We hold the conviction that every business, regardless of size or budget, deserves access to top-tier solutions without sacrificing quality or functionality. Through our unwavering commitment to innovation and efficiency optimization, INFAWORK consistently delivers unmatched value to its users at a fraction of the cost compared to our competitors. Our dedication to affordability extends beyond mere pricing; it permeates every aspect of our operations, from transparent pricing structures to the accessibility of our technology. Whether it’s the remarkably low $39.99 per user per month cost or our transparent approach to pricing, INFAWORK remains steadfast in its mission to ensure that technology remains inclusive and accessible to all businesses, empowering them to thrive in the digital age. Core Value 3 – Customer Focus: Listening to Voices, Anticipating Needs In the fast-paced realm of technology, where innovation reigns supreme, INFAWORK stands out by placing the user at the heart of everything we do. We recognize that our customers are not just users; they are partners in our journey towards excellence. That’s why we prioritize being relentlessly customer-focused in all aspects of our operations. We actively seek out feedback, engage in meaningful dialogue, and anticipate user needs to ensure that our products and services exceed expectations. By meticulously road mapping based on user insights, we tailor our offerings to address the evolving needs of our diverse customer base. From product development to customer support, every decision we make is informed by a deep understanding of our customers’ perspectives. We believe that by truly listening to and empathizing with our users, we can foster trust, cultivate lasting relationships, and build a loyal community that thrives on mutual success. At INFAWORK, customer focus isn’t just a core value—it’s our guiding principle, driving us to continuously innovate and deliver exceptional experiences that empower our users to succeed. Core Value 4 – Continuous Improvement: Evolving Towards Excellence In a landscape characterized by relentless innovation, stagnation is not an option. INFAWORK embraces the spirit of continuous improvement, viewing every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Through ongoing customer outreach, technical advances, and adaptation to emerging trends, INFAWORK remains at the forefront of technological advancement. Whether it’s refining existing features or developing ones, the pursuit of excellence is ingrained in INFAWORK’s DNA. Core Value 5 – Partnership: Building Bridges, Forging Bonds In an interconnected world, collaboration is key to success. INFAWORK recognizes the power of partnership in driving mutual growth and prosperity. By fostering long-term relationships built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect, INFAWORK cultivates a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration. Whether it’s nurturing symbiotic relationships with customers, forming strategic alliances with our vendors, INFAWORK believes in the transformative power of partnership and a world where we can all win. In a landscape defined by complexity, INFAWORK stands as a beacon of simplicity, affordability, customer focus, continuous improvement, and partnership. By adhering to these core values, INFAWORK not only navigates the complexities of the tech industry but also sets new benchmarks for innovation and customer satisfaction. As technology continues to reshape the world around us, INFAWORK remains steadfast in its commitment to excellence, driving positive change and shaping a brighter future for all.

5 Reasons Why Salespeople HATE CRMs

After conducting thorough research and consulting with numerous software companies, you’ve finally pinpointed the ideal Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) software tailored to suit your business needs. With great anticipation, you’ve enlisted the expertise of a consultant to configure the system and diligently trained your team on its effective utilization. As you flick the switch, brimming with excitement over the prospect of increased sales, reality hits hard—your sales team detests the new CRM and adamantly refuses to engage with it. If this scenario strikes a chord, rest assured, you’re not alone. Countless businesses grapple with the all-too-familiar tale of CRM adoption woes. However, despair not, for there’s a silver lining. In the following discourse, we delve into five critical reasons why CRMs might unwittingly impede your journey toward success rather than facilitating it: 1. Time-Consuming Data Entry Sales is a fast-paced environment where every minute counts in the sales process. Yet, constantly updating a demanding CRM with too many fields that are not relevant at the initial sales stages can drain valuable time that could be better spent on revenue-generating activities. If salespeople could redirect the hours spent on data input towards closing deals, productivity would skyrocket. 2. Lack of Customization Not only does every sales team operate differently, but salespeople have their own process.  Employees need autonomy to feel engaged so trying to implement a singular approach is damaging to morale.  Many CRMs lack the ability to be tailored to individual workflows and processes without significant investment in time and resources. This lack of customization can limit efficiency and force sales teams to adapt to rigid systems that don’t align with their unique needs and strategies. 3. Not Adding Value Using a CRM can feel like a 2nd job.  Are salespeople working to help their customers or to help the CRM?  If the CRM is designed only to be fed information without providing a significant value add in return, it is a one sided relationships.  Anyone that has been married or in a successful relationship knows all-too-well that success is about give and take.  A good CRM must provide a good ROI not only for the company, but for the salespeople.  4. Complexity Overload Sales professionals have a lot on their plates without adding a complex software system to the mix. Many CRMs prioritize data collection over user-friendliness, resulting in wasted time and energy on learning and navigating the platform. Sales teams shouldn’t be burdened with the role of data entry clerks.  A clean and simple user interface and a helpful and friendly user experience as critical.  5. Data Inaccuracy Relying on salespeople for data entry often leads to inaccuracies and incomplete information within the CRM. This can significantly impact decision-making, as sales leaders base forecasts on this flawed data. In some cases, CRMs are so riddled with errors that sales teams resort to manual methods like pen and paper or spreadsheets.  Automating information vs open field entry can not only be a significant time saver for salespeople, but ensure accurate and complete data.  If you find yourself resonating with the challenges outlined above, take heart in the fact that solutions exist to overcome these obstacles. Rather than resigning yourself to the notion that CRMs are inherently flawed, consider alternative approaches and solutions. Whether it’s exploring more user-friendly CRM options, implementing comprehensive training programs, or investing in customization to align the CRM with your team’s workflow, proactive steps can be taken to turn the tide of CRM adoption. By acknowledging the grievances and actively addressing them, businesses can transform their CRM from a hindrance to a powerful asset that propels them towards sales success. Embrace the opportunity to refine and optimize your CRM strategy, and witness firsthand the transformative impact it can have on your sales team’s performance and overall business outcomes. Share your thoughts with us at info@infawork.com.  If you’re ready to break free from CRM constraints and other small business software restraints, consider joining our mission at www.infawork.com.

5 ERP Implementation Risks

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software system that help run an entire business. These software support automation and processes in finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, and more. They play a pivotal role in streamlining business processes, enhancing efficiency, and driving growth. However, the decision to implement or switch ERP systems is not without significant risks. This article explores five significant ERP implementation risks common to businesses.  We will delve into why, despite these risks, adding or switching ERP systems can be worth the investment. Risk 1: Data Migration Challenges One of the primary risks during an ERP system switch is the complex task of migrating data from the old system to the new one. Data inconsistencies, errors, or loss can occur, leading to disruptions in business operations and potential data-related issues. Significant time is required to test the data accuracy and often leads to time and cost overruns. The INFAWORK Advantage is our easy, free, and fast onboarding process.  In less than 90 minutes you will be able to add or import your customers, contacts, vendors, products, employees, open invoices, open bills, fixed assets, and add prior financial statements to help with year over performance comparison and budgeting.  While some companies desire to have every prior transaction brought over from your legacy system, trust us that this is a giant hassle and not worth the significant time, cost, and aggravation it would take.  Risk 2: Integration Issues ERP systems are deeply integrated into various business functions. Switching to a new system may pose challenges in integrating with existing software, leading to disruptions in communication between different departments and affecting overall business coherence. Not only do these integrations add to the cost and time required to complete a successful ERP implementation, the time required by employees can lead to frustration, business declines, poor customer satisfaction, and negatively impact company morale. The INFAWORK Advantage is that we are removing the disparate software sprawl that is so prevalent in businesses of all sizes.  Do you know how many applications the average small business uses to run their business?  Twelve.  By consolidating these into a single comprehensive toolbox, INFAWORK simplifies the integration headaches that come with switching ERP systems. Trying to run separate CRMs, Accounting, HR, Production software will inevitably lead to department silos, duplicate data entry, manual errors, API cost and management, to name a few. The INFAWORK Advantage is a single, all-in-one, solution. Risk 3: Employee Resistance and Training Change is scary and hard. Employees accustomed to the legacy software or manual processes will likely resist change. Fearing disruptions to their daily routines, employees will resist transitioning to any new solution. Early adopters and power users, active communication and a two-way feedback loop, and adequate training are all crucial ingredients to help mitigate this risk. A smooth transition will result in minimizing productivity and employee morale loss. The INFAWORK Advantage is simplicity.  Our team has used almost every ERP on the market and we designed INFAWORK for the non-technical team member.  Our intuitive user interface and streamlined user experience is easy to learn.  We provide step by step help articles and videos and are ready to chat anytime there is a question.  The days of complicated, hard to understand and even harder to learn software is over. Risk 4: Downtime and Business Disruption Implementing a new ERP system often requires downtime for installation, data migration, and testing. Extended downtime can disrupt business operations, impacting customer satisfaction and revenue streams. Having to run parallel systems create parallel work for team members, and additional implementation and operational cost for a business. The focus of a business must be on its customers, its people, and its products. A ERP should support those three tenets. However, too often, users feel like they are supporting the ERP. The INFAWORK Advantage can have your company up and running in less than 90 minutes.  Sign up for free, onboarding your company, and get to work!  That’s it!  No third party consultants, no integration team meetings, and definitely no three month implementation timelines that inevitably stretch out to six months, twelve months, or longer.  Put trust to work with INFAWORK today.  Risk 5: Cost Overruns ERP system transitions can be expensive, and unforeseen challenges may lead to cost overruns. Budgeting errors or underestimating the resources required for a successful transition can strain financial resources. It is important to find other companies that have implemented the ERP you are considering and ask them if they hit their implementation budget. More time than not, these budgets are surpassed by 25%, 50%, 100%! If you are considering engaging a 3rd party consultant or software reseller to manage your implementation, those figures can be even higher. The INFAWORK Advantage is 100% transparent and upfront pricing.  Transitioning to INFAWORK is absolutely free.  There is no cost to implement. Move your data over, try it for 30 days, and quit if you don’t absolutely love the simplicity and efficiency that INFAWORK can bring to your business and your team.  Now that we’ve mitigated the risks of switching to INFAWORK, lets look at why switching to INFAWORK is totally worth it!: The INFAWORK Advantage While there are risks associated with switching ERP systems, we have worked hard to address those risks through the INFAWORK advantage and the potential benefits of switching to INFAWORK far outweigh them. As a business owner, you must carefully assess your needs and determine if INFAWORK is the right system for you.   The entire team at INFAWORK is standing by not only to make sure your transition is successful, but your business is successful.  Our goal is to join your team as your most trusted team member.  We look forward to earning your business and your trust.  Put trust to work with INFAWORK.

Why you need INFAWORK – Part 2: Software Pricing

by Anson Scoville If you own a business today then you are no stranger to the evils of software pricing. If you have looked at implementing a companywide ERP then, chances, are, the sticker shock on ERP cost has kept you up at night. No matter the size of the business, the rising cost of software is becoming more and more challenging as businesses rely more and more on software. One recent memory from my tenure at a prominent business exemplifies this struggle. It was approaching year-end and the rush to finalize the current year while simultaneously preparing for the next year was unmistakable. As we approached the close of another fiscal cycle with revenue nearing an impressive two billion dollars, every department was deeply entrenched in refining their budgets. Amidst this flurry of business activity, a particular evening stands out vividly. It was when my IT Director entered my office, a hint of concern disrupting his usual composure. What he conveyed was unsettling: our longstanding software provider, a recognized name in personal and business software, was proposing a daunting 30% software subscription fee increase for the upcoming year. Software Pricing Increases Our ensuing conversation mirrored a broader industry dilemma regarding software pricing and software subscription annual increases: Me: “Have they introduced any significant updates or enhancements this year?” IT: “Not really.” Me: “Have they integrated innovative features to improve our operational efficiency?” IT: “Unfortunately, no.” Me: “Have they consistently provided excellent service and partnered with us to overcome challenges?” IT: “Not quite.” These revelations highlighted a concerning reality: escalating costs without corresponding value addition—a stark reflection of the dynamics within the business software landscape. ERP Costs escalate – prioritizing their profits, not yours This narrative wasn’t unique to my organization. Software providers offer Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, particularly public companies who have a primary duty to their shareholders not their customers, revenue growth is primary. This business model negative impacts the customers who grapple with a landscape marked by rising ERP cost, opaque pricing models, and limited customer-centricity. The consequences extend beyond financial strain, affecting organizational morale and stifling innovation. It’s a sobering reminder of an industry where short-term gains often overshadow long-term partnerships and sustainable growth. A customer first software subscription approach Recognizing these systemic challenges, INFAWORK emerged as a solution. At its core, INFAWORK transcends traditional paradigms, advocating for a customer-centric approach grounded in transparency, collaboration, and genuine partnership. Our mission goes beyond transactional engagements; it embodies a commitment to fostering enduring relationships, driving innovation, and delivering tangible value for our clients. Our transparent pricing model starkly contrasts with industry norms of hidden costs, vague pricing structures, and 3rd party resellers. If you ever see “Call for Pricing” advertised then run the other direction. Translation: “Call so we can understand exactly how many of your hard earned dollars we can extract from you”. When you go to a store, does the price tag ever say “Call for Pricing“? The INFAWORK difference Through affordable pricing structures, continuous improvement, collaborative innovation, and transparent communication, INFAWORK aims to redefine industry standards. We envision a future where all businesses have access to a scalable infrastructure solutions they can tailor to their unique business needs, fostering an platform where efficiency thrives, innovation flourishes, and entrepreneurship prevails. We want to help businesses succeed. We define our success by our customer’s success. The journey ahead In this transformative journey, INFAWORK remains steadfast in reshaping the business software landscape. Through unwavering dedication, collaborative innovation, and a relentless focus on customer success, we strive to set new industry benchmarks, ushering in an era defined by mutual respect, transparency, and shared success. To read the first part of this series, CLICK HERE

Only $39.99 Per Person

Many traditional business software options either come with hefty upfront costs or lure you in with low initial prices, only to frustrate you with escalating subscription fees. Such practices foster mistrust, and we’re determined to change that narrative.

At INFAWORK, we keep things transparent and straightforward with a consistent monthly fee per user. Our commitment is to offer affordability without compromising quality. We understand firsthand the challenges of running a business and grappling with unpredictable software expenses. Our goal isn’t just to provide a solution; it’s to earn your trust by delivering exceptional functionality at a fair price. 

  • Price is per user, per month
  • Up to 2GB of storage
  • Additional storage @ $0.99 / GB.
  • Payroll: $40 per month + $6 per paycheck
  • Merchant Processing/CC fees 3.5%
  • Automated Bill Payments COMING SOON

Many traditional business software options either come with hefty upfront costs or lure you in with low initial prices, only to surprise you with escalating subscription fees. Such practices foster mistrust, and we’re determined to change that narrative.

At INFAWORK, we keep things transparent and straightforward with a consistent monthly fee per user. Our commitment is to offer affordability without compromising quality. We understand firsthand the challenges of running a business and grappling with unpredictable software expenses. Our goal isn’t just to provide a solution; it’s to earn your trust by delivering value at a fair price.

  • Price is per user, per month
  • Up to 2GB of storage
  • Additional storage @ $0.99 / GB.

Many traditional business software options either come with hefty upfront costs or lure you in with low initial prices, only to frustrate you with escalating subscription fees. Such practices foster mistrust, and we’re determined to change that narrative.

At INFAWORK, we keep things transparent and straightforward with a consistent monthly fee per user. Our commitment is to offer affordability without compromising quality. We understand firsthand the challenges of running a business and grappling with unpredictable software expenses. Our goal isn’t just to provide a solution; it’s to earn your trust by delivering exceptional functionality at a fair price. 

  • Price is per user, per month
  • Up to 2GB of storage
  • Additional storage @ $0.99 / GB.
  • Payroll: $40 per month + $6 per paycheck
  • Merchant Processing/CC fees 3.5%
  • Automated Bill Payments COMING SOON